Wednesday 20 May 2020


In any bad thing we see going-on in Nigeria, in Anambra state, in Anaocha, in Adazi Enu, if we see and lamented against it, good.

But the best we are supposed to do as a good citizens/indigen is not only condemn evil that we see any system but speak-up to hearing of the people in the system and to the hearing of everybody on your stand and move again such evils or bad being entertained in the system.

I have did it in our town Adazi Enu against the evil acts by one evil man from Ebonyi State living in Ikwele family in Akwankwo village, Adazi Enu by name Godwin Aloh, i learnt that virtually everybody in Adazi Enu knows the evil done by this man but everybody was fearing him bc of his evil practices in our town Adazi Enu.

Just imagine a strange controlling affairs of Adazi Enu bc of his evil manipulations and to my greatest surprised is that Igwe of our town Adazi Enu is supporting him, and then the told the security and our PG to take off their hand from that csse, that is a family case, and i said no.

I told Igwe that the man is telling lies, Igwe told me that i think otherwise that i should take the case to the wellfair at Neni, which i did in 2016.
It even go the extent that Igwe threatening me that who am i to go and took a case that doesn't concerns me, that's is like somebody who went draw bees(anwu) to himself. I told Igwe that i
didn't meant for family by being involved in the case but i taught i did my best by reporting the case to him as Igwe, but i didn't know that Igwe and the man are friends under deal.
I didn't know that Igwe's cabinet, ndi Ichie knows this man also and fear him, until one of Ndi Ichie told that it is better for me to bring those Children back to the Igwe's palace and take hand off the case bc this same man man made three young boys from Akwankwo village mad bc they stole his money.
I made the inquiry and it was truth bc i had once heard a story like that, what i did is that i invited one of the boy involved that is still around in Adazi Enu and was for him and with him.

From 2017  the Spiritual battle started, it only lasted for almost three years but finally i won by the special grace of God.
Bc now all of them now see that the power of God superseded all their evil and occultic powers.

Soon i will be coming up with my case again that the man must leave Adazi Enu, i have told Adamu that the must leave our town now, he told that there is somebody that the evil man Godwin is owing that said that he must pay him back before leave Adazi Enu, but it is there family business bc it may that it was the man that was borrowing him money he uses to go from one Dibia, arusi to other, but today all those rubbish Dibias have fail him and he is now begging around with his wife.

I only give them the remaining days in this month to settle everything they have in Adazi Enu and leave our blessed land.

Their children that reported the case to me, showing that they are not in support of their parents evil may stay back if they wish.

I will officially present the case and evidents of this case of this evil man to ATU and the reason why he should vanished from our town Adazi Enu and i will also take the case to the DPO Neni, report to DPO Fegge and to the Commission of Police Anambra State, to tell him that there is power of God in action with me and for me OK.


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