Thursday 13 October 2016



   !!!!!!! Hello my fellow Ladies and Gentlemen, for many years, we the youths have been left in the sidelines/margins on the matters of leadership. Generally the youths have been constantly left only to be "seen and not to be heard", this is despite of them being constantly "misused" as the vocal means to propel "THE OLDER POLITICAL CLASS" into various positions of leaderships in the Country. Normally,am left scratching my head, whenever I see those older politicians coming and shouting themselves hoarse with all the big talk all geared towards the youths welfare and how they are determined to improve the lives of the youths if they are elected; of course this is received by songs and dance from usually intoxicated and unsuspecting youths. Of-course due to their cunning and "charismatic" antics, the leaders goes ahead and wins the elections..once they win the elections,all the previous "big talk" and public theatrics about the youths,are immediately forgotten and once again the youths are left to their own terms, with nothing to show. Their story is forgotten and this vicious cycle continues. Therefore, its unfortunate that the youths, despite being the majority group at over 71% have to be repeatedly reduced to mere "political mascots, thugs, jobbers and sycophants in the political circus". Therefore, I urge my fellow youths to rise up, unite and take charge of their destiny, by demanding the equal share of leadership in our society.
Otherwise, I believe that, this is the only way that we will be able to address the various issues and challenges amicably, instead of relying to these insensitive and "parasitic" leaders for our total deliverance or liberation.
  Lastly, its high time, we the youths started encouraging and supporting ourselves to take up the various positions of leaderships in the Society.
NB: I ain't entirely against the older generation of leadership, but i am just advocating for an equal leadership opportunities for my fellow youths.
Come and join the -"EGO KRISTI YOUTH MOVEMENT" in her leadership training and move against bad Leadership.
  Join their "CALL FOR YOUTH POSITIVE ACTIONS TO RESTRUCTURE OUR BAD POLITICAL SYSTEM" and be the positive Leader our Country is waiting for.
  Join and be a part of the -"2ND YOUTH LEADERSHIP ORIENTATION SEMINAR" with the theme-"A CALL FOR YOUTH POSITIVE ACTIONS FOR REFORMATIVE CHANGE" being organised by Ego Kristi Youth Movement in partnership with Ministry of Youth Entrepreneurship & Sports development and with Young Africa Leadership Initiatives(YALI); coming up on 26th November 2016.

Comrade Ositadimma Luke Iloghalu(Founder and Gen Cordinator EKYM)
Comrade David N. Okenwa(Secretary General Ego Kristi Youth Movement)

Ego Kristi Media Reporting from Awka Anambra State.

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