Thursday, 13 October 2016


This is to remind our new members some of the aims and objectives of IDEAL POTENTIAL DEMOCRATS(IPD) a subsidiary of EGO KRISTI YOUTH MOVEMENT.

  Ego Kristi Youth Movement is meant for all the Youths/Students from 14 years and above. The Executives or pioneer of Ego Kristi Youth Movement are the elected  Leaders and determined/Exemplary Youths/Students from different religious organisations, town union bodies, social organisations, political organisations and from different higher institutions, who have been rendered selfless services to the society through the above bodies.

These sets of youths are being selected to come and pull their potentials and Leadership talent together by sharing their ideas, and then make/contribute some positive changes in our Local, State and National Political System.
In this body we share our ideas on most of the pressing State, national Political and Social issues; and determine how to foster good governance through our ideas in a democratic setting.

"I think it is time we start to reward the active members and remove  the non-challant members, who doesnt make any contribution here and who doesnt  also have any reverence or respect for God, i:e the "sit-down dey look" members because either some these non-active members watsapp account are no longer active/working or that they are in the wrong place.    This group is meant for vibrant, active youths that have potentials to explore or harness, with the honourable members that can direct or assist these youths to explore or harness these their hidden/adamant potentials"

We are here to make positive changes in our society and not being complacence or less-concern about the prevalent evils in our society. 
   Ego Kristi Youth Movement have taken up the responsibility of bringing democracy down to the grassroot, to the Students, to the poor and to less-privileged, so that everybody will enjoy the dividends of democracy.

  In tandem with the above move and stand, EGO KRISTI YOUTH MOVEMENT will always resolve after our analysis through our Committee in-charge, to support through our media outlets any Candidate that has passion for the Youths and for the less-privileged; this must be a candidate who is Screened and selected by our-"Credible Candidate Committee".

    Some the aims of Ego Kristi Youth Movement are---   


 Young Leaders Assembly Assembly aka Ego Kristi Youth Movement is meant for all the Youths/Students from 14 years and above. 
The Executives or pioneers of Young African Leaders Assembly(YALA), is a subsidiary of "YOUNG INTERNATIONAL LEADERS ASSEMBLY(YILA) aka Ego Kristi Youth Movement International(EKYMI) are the elected  Leaders and determined/Exemplary Youths/Students selected from various religious organisations, town union bodies, social organisations, political organisations and from different higher institutions, who have rendered selfless services to the society through the above bodies.

These sets of youths are being selected to come together, so as to  pull their potentials and Leadership talent together by sharing their ideas, and then make/contribute some positive changes in the inherent evils in our Local, State and National Political System.

In this body we share our ideas on most of the pressing State, national Political and Social issues; and determine how to foster good governance through our ideas in a democratic setting.


"I think it is time we start to reward the active members and remove  the non-challant members, who doesnt make any contribution here and who doesnt  also have any reverence or respect for God, i:e the "sit-down dey look" members, because either some of these non-active members watsapp account are no longer active/working or that these people were added to this group against there wish?

This group is meant for vibrant, active youths that have potentials to explore or harness, with the help honourable members that can direct or assist these youths to explore or harness these their hidden/adamant potentials"

We are here to make positive changes in our society and not being complacence or less-concern about the prevalent evils in our society".

   Young African Leaders Assembly(YALA) aka Ego Kristi Youth Movement International(EKYMI), African Chapter have taken up the responsibility of bringing democracy down to the grassroot, to the Students, to the poor and to less-privileged, so that everybody will enjoy the dividends of democracy.

  In tandem with the above move and stand, YOUNG AFRICAN LEADERS ASSEMBLY(YALA) aka EGO KRISTI YOUTH MOVEMENT INTERNATIONAL(EKYMI), Africa will always resolve after our analysis through our Committee in-charge, to support through our media outlets any Candidate that has passion for the Youths, for the poor and for the less-privileged; this must be a candidate who is screened and selected by our-"Credible Candidate Committee" members, after their investigations.



(1)To Educate, Train and Re-orientate the youths on their Leadership roles through our workshops and Seminars.

(2)To Encourage the youths active and meaningful involvement in agricultural production process through public consultation, town hall meetings with the agricultural/Fishery experts already in the system. And by forming cooperative society, so as to easily access loans from the government to support their agricultural and farming production.

(3)To enhance an easy access to Job opportunity and other benefits like admissions sluts from the honourable members who represents us in the government.

(4)To encourage youths actively and meaningfully participate  in the State, National and in International political process as a group, through our political orientation and campaign to the people in the grassroot. We will easily be part of the governmental decisions in our areas through our active involvement.

(5)To motivate the youths so as to cultivate the habit of voting, protecting their votes and their ballot box after the election, until the votes are counted and recorded.

(6)To Educate and encourage youths active and meaningful use of the social media for political awareness, for public consultations and for public opinion sharing on political issues.

(7)To Educate and prevent the youth groups or movement from resorting to political violence, election thuggery or e-thuggery.

(8)To developed caring with concerned citizens with the confidence and skill to make a difference, first to our community and to both local and global society.

(9)To influence the decisions of those who have political power, especially for the interest of the  people in the grassroot and not merely for ourselves.

(10). To encourage active participation in politics by making ourselves popular and Politically relevant in our different locality through our political concern; by caring for the poor and less-privileged. 
A habit we developed and enhanced through this watsapp group. 
N;B This will help us to stand a chance to win any election we context, due to the relevance which we have created in the grassroot, coupled with the support from the members of Ego Kristi Youth Movement towards your campaign and election.

(11)To always assist our members who wish to live and work in any part of the World, in processing their travel or working permit/documents through the help of the coordinators of our various chapters in different Countries and continent of the World.

  Thanks and may God bless you as you join in actualizing this our noble motives in Jesus name, amen.

This our honourable youth group is guided by the word of God in 2Timothy 2;2-26(Entrust the teaching/Lecture you are taught to the reliable people who will teach others also. Avoid the passions of youth, and strive for righteousness, faith, love and peace; but keep away from foolish and ignorant arguments; you know you end up in quarrels) and Isaiah 3;1-7( The people will be governed by the immature boys"Youths"), this entails that we have great task ahead as youths.

    I then urge all of you my follow determined and concerned youth Leaders to join this positive actions taking by the Ego Kristi Youth Movement International, for effective positive changes in our Country and different States Political and governmental system.

This is to inform the general public that our youth group Young Africa Leaders Assembly(YALA) aka Ego Kristi Youth Movement International (EKYMI) have come stay, and we have received calls/ messages from people who have passed the UN/general accepted age of a youth, who have been pleading to become our members.

We the executives of Young African Leaders Assembly(YALA) aka Ego Kristi Youth Movement International(EKYMI) after series of meetings, in considering the requests by these set of people to be part of us, we have resolved to expand the name of this our youth group so as accomodate these set of concerned individual, and still retain our original youth group name, but also uses a second as and when the need arises.
This follow-up name to accomade these set of people that are of age or above youth age will be -"AFRICAN LEADERS ASSEMBLY(ALA) aka EGO KRISTI MOVEMENT INTERNATIONAL(EKMI).
Thanks for understanding.

  Thanks and may God bless you as you join in actualizing this our noble motives in Jesus name, amen.
   This our honourable group is guided by the word of God in 2Timothy 2;2-26(Entrust the teaching/Lecture you are taught to the reliable people who will teach others also. Avoid the passions of youth, and strive for righteousness, faith, love and peace; but keep away from foolish and ignorant arguments; you know you end up in quarrels) and Isaiah 3;1-7( The people will be governed by the immature boys"Youths"), this entails that we have great task ahead as youths.

    I then urge all of you my follow determined and concerned youth Leaders to join this positive actions taking by the Ego Kristi Youth Movement International aka Young International Leaders Assembly for effective positive changes in our Country and different States Political and governmental system.

   From your Servant---
Evangelist Ositadimma Luke Iloghalu(Founder Ego Kristi Youth Movement and an Executive Assistant to Governor on Community Liaison)

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