Friday 19 June 2020





Dear Sir,


I hope you and family are doing well. If so, glory be to Chukwu Abiama.


My purpose of this letter is in response to your video directed to Biafrans (IPOB) all over the word. I promised to be polite in this letter all through, and same time I would appreciate it that you read this letter and assimilate all that is contained therein.


Sir, I am one amongst many who celebrate you in the movie industry not only as a member of ACTORS GUID OF NIGERIA but as an individual and a private citizen of Igbo part of Biafra.

My love for you grow after watching through the characters you played on sets starting from the “Things Fall Apart” where you played the character of Okonkwo.


In the life of the Nollywood industry we revered you as icon till this very moment that “Things Has Fallen Apart, Which Center Could No Longer Hold”.


Firstly, I will start by appreciating for the video you made in response to the displeasure our people expressed toward your controversial statement that Biafra land is land locked. However, in your recent response to this displeasure expressed by our people you went further point out something which formed the basis for this open letter to you sir.

The following are your statements:
(1) Our people should endeavor to communicate in Igbo Language
(2) That you are 73yers old and older than the present governors in Igbo Land
(3) You said we insults our elders
(4) You said we insult the governors and Ohaneze Ndigbo
(5) You said we are not learned
(6) In your previous interview you said we should work with our killers Nigeria
(7) You said we do not have any sea around us for the purpose of importation and we do not understand the difference between land lock and land mass.

Please sir lets digest these points you enumerated in your video together:

(1) Our people should endeavor to communicate in Igbo Language: Yes I quite agree with you on this. And I attribute this to identity crisis as a result of the colonization of Biafra territory and obliteration of our culture and history unlike the other race. And the successive governors from the territory of Igbo part of Biafra never had any policy geared towards the promotion of the Igbo language unlike what you have in Lagos State for instance- where Yoruba subject is compulsory for all.


(2) That you are 73years old and older than the present governors in Igbo Land: of course no one argues this fact-just like my father is also 78 years. Most importantly sir you and I understand that the age of Methuselah has nothing to do with the Wisdom of Solomon. And if this is true sir, needless debating about age.


(3) You said we insult our elders: let’s first define insult. This means to offend someone by saying or doing something they think is rude.

Any issued to be considered is what causes or leads to insult.

In Igbo land there are couples of things you do and get insulted, and some of them will be listed below;
(i) You will be insulted in Igbo land, when you are an elder but do not speak the truth.
(ii) You are insulted in Igbo land when you desecrate our culture.
(iii) You are insulted when you side with the enemies just to mention but few.

You and I can agree that those who were supposed to speak and represent our people had failed to do so.

Sir, if I may ask you these questions; what have the elders and the leaders did since the killing of our people in Nigeria both by law enforcement agencies, Boko Haram, Herdsmen etc?

What has the leaders and elder did when Igbo businesses are burnt in Nigeria?

What has the elders and leaders did to stop the raping of our mothers and sisters by the Fulani herdsmen?

What has the elders and leaders done in the wake of marginalization of our people in Nigeria? This is to mention just but few.


(4) You said we insult the governors and Ohaneze Ndigbo: sir, I defined insult earlier, but for the purpose of this point follow me gradually. We shall look at the responsibilities of state governors –


What Are the Duties of State Government?
The amenities and services you know are tied to your home state: States shoulder the duties to administer roads, education, public safety, justice and more, as decided by voters, state lawmakers, and the state constitution.


Transportation: State governments are charged with the duty to make sure the roads under their care are well maintained. The roads and highways in each state are divided between local, state and federal governments. States build and maintain roads and highways through their local state Department of Transportation. These state transportation departments oversee the building of new roads, and the maintenance of intrastate transportation.
Implement Federal Mandates

If the federal government issues a mandate, it is the duty of the state to make plans and implement them to fulfill the mandate. Examples of mandates are if the federal government requires states to cut air pollution, or requires that a state’s public transportation meet particular safety standards. The federal government is required by law to fund the mandated programs.

Education: State governments are responsible for the education of their residents. States have freedom in administering the nation’s public education system, which receives the lion’s share of state and local money.
Collecting Revenue.

State governments also have the duty of drawing funding to operate its programs. States collect insurance trust revenue from administering retirement, unemployment compensation, and other benefit programs. States also collect fees, such as tolls, and lottery ticket sales, hospital charges, cigarettes and liquor sales. States levy sales taxes for consumer goods, at 4 to 8 percent, as well as income taxes. The ratio of state income from consumer sales taxes as compared to income taxes varies from state to state.


Commerce: The federal government has the power to regulate interstate commerce, which is trade between states, and international commerce. States have the power to regulate intrastate commerce, meaning business conducted within the state. States also have the power to establish banks and collect taxes. In addition to overseeing business, the states also have responsibility for issuing licenses, often with the assistance of state boards, such as a bar association for licensing lawyers.


Shared Powers: Some powers are shared between the state and the federal government. Collecting taxes and establishing banks are both powers that are granted to both the federal and state governments. The federal government also has the power to build roads, which is usually done in cooperation with state governments. Both state governments and the federal government have the right to take private property for public purposes, so long as the owner is compensated. They both have the power to make and enact laws, and spend money to promote the general welfare.

Let’s look at Ohaneze Formation
Ohanaeze Ndigbo is an apex Igbo socio-cultural group in Nigeria. The group represents all Igbo communities within and outside Nigeria.

After the Nigerian civil war, some prominent Igbos gathered to proclaim the need to unify Igbos under a common umbrella body.

This initiative was much welcomed considering maximum displacement of the Igbos during the war and its aftermath. An organizational assembly was created, referred to as the Igbo National Assembly (INA). This organization was later banned by the Federal Military Government at the time, probably due to the Government’s fear of a grand suspicious agenda being cultivated by the Igbos via the organization; hence, the creation of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, in 1976.


Sir please if you go through the stated facts above, you will agree with me that the governors are not anywhere closed to what is expected of them. And this is so because we do not elect a leader in Nigeria and selected by the same enemy that chastises us- instance is Imo State where you currently have a Supreme Court governor in the person of hopeless ozodimgba.


More so, sir you will agree with that the formation of Ohaneze was done by the same enemy who refused to standing of Igbo National Assembly and approved Ohaneze to us rather in order to force her wish on our people.


In conclusion, the entire Igbo never gathered to for nor delegate any power to Ohaneze or her surrogate anywhere in the world as is tradition in Igbo land. Hence, Ohaneze do not represent the people.


(5) You said we are not learned: learned is defined as-(of a person) having acquired much knowledge through study.

Please sir, the last I checked in IPOB from the definition above-a sizeable percentage of IPOB members are educated to the level of Ph.D. A typical example is I as a graduate and a clergy. Just to mention but few.

(6) In your previous interview you said we should work with our killers Nigeria:from your video sir, you admitted that we are been maltreated and marginalized by the same enemy and I wonder how you in turn again asked that we work with same enemy. I will be glad if you tell me how in your response sir.


(7) You said we do not understand the difference between land lock and land mass: sir, you said in your video that we are land locked and cannot import because we do not have sea where ships can perch.

Please sir, you made us to understand that you are 73 years, older than the present governors in Igbo land, then how come you do not know the territories of Igbo land in Biafra?

Sir, as an elder and educated person from Igbo land-do you mean to tell us that you do not know the history and territories of Ndigbo in the present Nigeria as constituted? Sir, permit me to bring to your notice as a student of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu that studied in the University of Radio Biafra that Igbo land is never land locked or had small land mass.


Sir, are you aware that the boundary of Ndigbo is not limited to the present 5 eastern states as constituted in Nigeria? Are you also aware that the listed areas below are parts and parcel of Igbo territories according to Wikipedia?

Listed below are some parts of Igbo territories that we have sea and water ways.

(1) Egbema
(2) Ecthe
(3) Omuma
(4) Ndoni
(5) Ikwerre
(6) Ekpeye
(7) Obigbo
(8) Opobo
(9) Ogba
(10) Igbanke/Igboakiri
(11) Igala
(12) Obubra etc.


Please sir, are you aware that the listed territories are part of Igbo land or do you need special class to understand this? If your answer is yes, then the above facts had proven that you do not understand the history of Ndigbo and this in other words has shown that your age and education has nothing to do with the wisdom of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu-the leader of IPOB.


(1) This had also proven that you Pete Edochie lack the credential to lecture the IPOB nor anyone about Ndigbo because you do not understand the history of the people you seek to advice.


(2) Having agreed that the governors do not represent the interest of Ndigbo as well failed to condemned the killing of IPOB members and the parent Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has shown that you are complicit in the onslaught and unleashing of Operation Python Dance 1,2 and 3 in the Igbo land you claimed to love. Hence, you are a hypocrite and Igbo land forbids this.


(3) Are you aware that a meeting was called by the south east governors to discuss with IPOB on the issue of agitation and marginalization? If yes what happened by your acclaimed almighty governors tag the IPOB terrorist organization, proscribed it and approved operation python dance in Afara Ukwu Umuahia where 28 unarmed men were murdered in cold blood whereas the Boko Haram, Fulani herdsmen and others that bear arms and killed innocent go free and in turn recruited into the military.

But in all killing mayhem in our land, what did your likes and the puppet governors in Igbo land did? If you and they did nothing as well said anything. Then, what does silence means in Igbo Land? If means you are evil and hypocrite for maintaining silence while your people are murdered, but speaks when your people rose up to say enough. Aren’t you a hypocrite? You are.


(4) We rightly, alluded to the fact above that Ohaneze does not speak for Ndigbo since they do not have the mandate of Ndigbo. Then, what exactly is the function of Ohaneze?


The current self imposed president of Ohaneze was instrumental in the proscription of IPOB and the carnage of operation python dance unleashed on our people. At same time I quite knew you had seen your friend and fellow conspirators in the person of Nnia Nwodo who vowed that he will sacrifice his life in place of killer Fulani herdsmen in Igbo land but never did same while our mothers and sisters were raped and killed by the same Fulani terrorists. What kind of hypocrisy is this? After watching your recent video clip, I have the following conclusions to make:

(1) You have not proven to your people that you are educated and know the history of Ndigbo.

(2) You appeared to be part of the conspiracy against your people taken into the account of your silent conspiracy on the killing of Ndigbo (operation python dance 1, 2, 3).

(3) Your inability to speak out in the face of the unprovoked killing of your people. Present you as either as a traitor or conspirator against your own people. This is because in Igbo land an elder do not see evil and refused to speak out.

(4) The age of anyone does not determine his value or impact.

(5) Respect is earned and not to be demanded by people.

(6) Igbo land is not land locked.

(7) We do not insult elders. We give respect to those who deserved it and not those that demands it.

(8) The members of IPOB are educated and principled. As we do not condone evil.

(9) Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe had shown what is expected of anyone that regards himself as a leader or elder.

However, in my opinion I advised you join any IPOB unit closer to you for proper understanding sir.


Thank you sir




Dear Sir,


I hope you and family are doing well. If so, glory be to Chukwu Abiama.


My purpose of this letter is in response to your video directed to Biafrans (IPOB) all over the word. I promised to be polite in this letter all through, and same time I would appreciate it that you read this letter and assimilate all that is contained therein.


Sir, I am one amongst many who celebrate you in the movie industry not only as a member of ACTORS GUID OF NIGERIA but as an individual and a private citizen of Igbo part of Biafra.

My love for you grow after watching through the characters you played on sets starting from the “Things Fall Apart” where you played the character of Okonkwo.


In the life of the Nollywood industry we revered you as icon till this very moment that “Things Has Fallen Apart, Which Center Could No Longer Hold”.


Firstly, I will start by appreciating for the video you made in response to the displeasure our people expressed toward your controversial statement that Biafra land is land locked. However, in your recent response to this displeasure expressed by our people you went further point out something which formed the basis for this open letter to you sir.

The following are your statements:
(1) Our people should endeavor to communicate in Igbo Language
(2) That you are 73yers old and older than the present governors in Igbo Land
(3) You said we insults our elders
(4) You said we insult the governors and Ohaneze Ndigbo
(5) You said we are not learned
(6) In your previous interview you said we should work with our killers Nigeria
(7) You said we do not have any sea around us for the purpose of importation and we do not understand the difference between land lock and land mass.

Please sir lets digest these points you enumerated in your video together:

(1) Our people should endeavor to communicate in Igbo Language: Yes I quite agree with you on this. And I attribute this to identity crisis as a result of the colonization of Biafra territory and obliteration of our culture and history unlike the other race. And the successive governors from the territory of Igbo part of Biafra never had any policy geared towards the promotion of the Igbo language unlike what you have in Lagos State for instance- where Yoruba subject is compulsory for all.


(2) That you are 73years old and older than the present governors in Igbo Land: of course no one argues this fact-just like my father is also 78 years. Most importantly sir you and I understand that the age of Methuselah has nothing to do with the Wisdom of Solomon. And if this is true sir, needless debating about age.


(3) You said we insult our elders: let’s first define insult. This means to offend someone by saying or doing something they think is rude.

Any issued to be considered is what causes or leads to insult.

In Igbo land there are couples of things you do and get insulted, and some of them will be listed below;
(i) You will be insulted in Igbo land, when you are an elder but do not speak the truth.
(ii) You are insulted in Igbo land when you desecrate our culture.
(iii) You are insulted when you side with the enemies just to mention but few.

You and I can agree that those who were supposed to speak and represent our people had failed to do so.

Sir, if I may ask you these questions; what have the elders and the leaders did since the killing of our people in Nigeria both by law enforcement agencies, Boko Haram, Herdsmen etc?

What has the leaders and elder did when Igbo businesses are burnt in Nigeria?

What has the elders and leaders did to stop the raping of our mothers and sisters by the Fulani herdsmen?

What has the elders and leaders done in the wake of marginalization of our people in Nigeria? This is to mention just but few.


(4) You said we insult the governors and Ohaneze Ndigbo: sir, I defined insult earlier, but for the purpose of this point follow me gradually. We shall look at the responsibilities of state governors –


What Are the Duties of State Government?
The amenities and services you know are tied to your home state: States shoulder the duties to administer roads, education, public safety, justice and more, as decided by voters, state lawmakers, and the state constitution.


Transportation: State governments are charged with the duty to make sure the roads under their care are well maintained. The roads and highways in each state are divided between local, state and federal governments. States build and maintain roads and highways through their local state Department of Transportation. These state transportation departments oversee the building of new roads, and the maintenance of intrastate transportation.
Implement Federal Mandates

If the federal government issues a mandate, it is the duty of the state to make plans and implement them to fulfill the mandate. Examples of mandates are if the federal government requires states to cut air pollution, or requires that a state’s public transportation meet particular safety standards. The federal government is required by law to fund the mandated programs.

Education: State governments are responsible for the education of their residents. States have freedom in administering the nation’s public education system, which receives the lion’s share of state and local money.
Collecting Revenue.

State governments also have the duty of drawing funding to operate its programs. States collect insurance trust revenue from administering retirement, unemployment compensation, and other benefit programs. States also collect fees, such as tolls, and lottery ticket sales, hospital charges, cigarettes and liquor sales. States levy sales taxes for consumer goods, at 4 to 8 percent, as well as income taxes. The ratio of state income from consumer sales taxes as compared to income taxes varies from state to state.


Commerce: The federal government has the power to regulate interstate commerce, which is trade between states, and international commerce. States have the power to regulate intrastate commerce, meaning business conducted within the state. States also have the power to establish banks and collect taxes. In addition to overseeing business, the states also have responsibility for issuing licenses, often with the assistance of state boards, such as a bar association for licensing lawyers.


Shared Powers: Some powers are shared between the state and the federal government. Collecting taxes and establishing banks are both powers that are granted to both the federal and state governments. The federal government also has the power to build roads, which is usually done in cooperation with state governments. Both state governments and the federal government have the right to take private property for public purposes, so long as the owner is compensated. They both have the power to make and enact laws, and spend money to promote the general welfare.

Let’s look at Ohaneze Formation
Ohanaeze Ndigbo is an apex Igbo socio-cultural group in Nigeria. The group represents all Igbo communities within and outside Nigeria.

After the Nigerian civil war, some prominent Igbos gathered to proclaim the need to unify Igbos under a common umbrella body.

This initiative was much welcomed considering maximum displacement of the Igbos during the war and its aftermath. An organizational assembly was created, referred to as the Igbo National Assembly (INA). This organization was later banned by the Federal Military Government at the time, probably due to the Government’s fear of a grand suspicious agenda being cultivated by the Igbos via the organization; hence, the creation of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, in 1976.


Sir please if you go through the stated facts above, you will agree with me that the governors are not anywhere closed to what is expected of them. And this is so because we do not elect a leader in Nigeria and selected by the same enemy that chastises us- instance is Imo State where you currently have a Supreme Court governor in the person of hopeless ozodimgba.


More so, sir you will agree with that the formation of Ohaneze was done by the same enemy who refused to standing of Igbo National Assembly and approved Ohaneze to us rather in order to force her wish on our people.


In conclusion, the entire Igbo never gathered to for nor delegate any power to Ohaneze or her surrogate anywhere in the world as is tradition in Igbo land. Hence, Ohaneze do not represent the people.


(5) You said we are not learned: learned is defined as-(of a person) having acquired much knowledge through study.

Please sir, the last I checked in IPOB from the definition above-a sizeable percentage of IPOB members are educated to the level of Ph.D. A typical example is I as a graduate and a clergy. Just to mention but few.

(6) In your previous interview you said we should work with our killers Nigeria:from your video sir, you admitted that we are been maltreated and marginalized by the same enemy and I wonder how you in turn again asked that we work with same enemy. I will be glad if you tell me how in your response sir.


(7) You said we do not understand the difference between land lock and land mass: sir, you said in your video that we are land locked and cannot import because we do not have sea where ships can perch.

Please sir, you made us to understand that you are 73 years, older than the present governors in Igbo land, then how come you do not know the territories of Igbo land in Biafra?

Sir, as an elder and educated person from Igbo land-do you mean to tell us that you do not know the history and territories of Ndigbo in the present Nigeria as constituted? Sir, permit me to bring to your notice as a student of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu that studied in the University of Radio Biafra that Igbo land is never land locked or had small land mass.


Sir, are you aware that the boundary of Ndigbo is not limited to the present 5 eastern states as constituted in Nigeria? Are you also aware that the listed areas below are parts and parcel of Igbo territories according to Wikipedia?

Listed below are some parts of Igbo territories that we have sea and water ways.

(1) Egbema
(2) Ecthe
(3) Omuma
(4) Ndoni
(5) Ikwerre
(6) Ekpeye
(7) Obigbo
(8) Opobo
(9) Ogba
(10) Igbanke/Igboakiri
(11) Igala
(12) Obubra etc.


Please sir, are you aware that the listed territories are part of Igbo land or do you need special class to understand this? If your answer is yes, then the above facts had proven that you do not understand the history of Ndigbo and this in other words has shown that your age and education has nothing to do with the wisdom of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu-the leader of IPOB.


(1) This had also proven that you Pete Edochie lack the credential to lecture the IPOB nor anyone about Ndigbo because you do not understand the history of the people you seek to advice.


(2) Having agreed that the governors do not represent the interest of Ndigbo as well failed to condemned the killing of IPOB members and the parent Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has shown that you are complicit in the onslaught and unleashing of Operation Python Dance 1,2 and 3 in the Igbo land you claimed to love. Hence, you are a hypocrite and Igbo land forbids this.


(3) Are you aware that a meeting was called by the south east governors to discuss with IPOB on the issue of agitation and marginalization? If yes what happened by your acclaimed almighty governors tag the IPOB terrorist organization, proscribed it and approved operation python dance in Afara Ukwu Umuahia where 28 unarmed men were murdered in cold blood whereas the Boko Haram, Fulani herdsmen and others that bear arms and killed innocent go free and in turn recruited into the military.

But in all killing mayhem in our land, what did your likes and the puppet governors in Igbo land did? If you and they did nothing as well said anything. Then, what does silence means in Igbo Land? If means you are evil and hypocrite for maintaining silence while your people are murdered, but speaks when your people rose up to say enough. Aren’t you a hypocrite? You are.


(4) We rightly, alluded to the fact above that Ohaneze does not speak for Ndigbo since they do not have the mandate of Ndigbo. Then, what exactly is the function of Ohaneze?


The current self imposed president of Ohaneze was instrumental in the proscription of IPOB and the carnage of operation python dance unleashed on our people. At same time I quite knew you had seen your friend and fellow conspirators in the person of Nnia Nwodo who vowed that he will sacrifice his life in place of killer Fulani herdsmen in Igbo land but never did same while our mothers and sisters were raped and killed by the same Fulani terrorists. What kind of hypocrisy is this? After watching your recent video clip, I have the following conclusions to make:

(1) You have not proven to your people that you are educated and know the history of Ndigbo.

(2) You appeared to be part of the conspiracy against your people taken into the account of your silent conspiracy on the killing of Ndigbo (operation python dance 1, 2, 3).

(3) Your inability to speak out in the face of the unprovoked killing of your people. Present you as either as a traitor or conspirator against your own people. This is because in Igbo land an elder do not see evil and refused to speak out.

(4) The age of anyone does not determine his value or impact.

(5) Respect is earned and not to be demanded by people.

(6) Igbo land is not land locked.

(7) We do not insult elders. We give respect to those who deserved it and not those that demands it.

(8) The members of IPOB are educated and principled. As we do not condone evil.

(9) Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe had shown what is expected of anyone that regards himself as a leader or elder.

However, in my opinion I advised you join any IPOB unit closer to you for proper understanding sir.


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