By the grace of God, i am one of the men God that prayed fervently against covid-19 cases in Anambra State, in Nigeria and for the World at large.
Immediately the issue of covid-19 case was reported in the World, i started my seven(7) days, that later turned-to nine(9) days fasting/prayers and sharing of the words of God through my u-tube channel, urging the people to pray hard and take the necessary precautions as it pertains to this pandemic coronavirus.
As i am sharing the words of God and praying, revelation keep coming to me, i then learnt that God have found favour with me and that was my initial happiness.
When i ended my nine fasting/prayers and sharing the words of God. We the Catholic Faithfuls started the tridum(the most holy three days before Easter), i also made a special prayers on this year 2020 Tridum, which took effect on holy thursday as i also started a three days dry-fasting and prayers, that i urged my brothers/sisters, my closest friends, relatives to join me.
Some of my sisters started calling me names saying that i want to kill myself because i was looking dried and ugly, that i should stop all these my fasting and prayers, because the are complaining my appearance and some are now seeing seeing as a lunatic. Even in my shop, my neighbour called me at the apex point of this my last fasting and prayers that brought my victory, and was trying to advise me that some people are murmuring on my back, if i am still alright but i should trade the road of prayers with care.
But as my caring sisters and my neighbour, i continue explaining to them, i told them that i am healthier with my body size then: even as i am looking skiny.
I told them that i just concluded my 12 days dry fasting and prayers that brought my glorious liberty/freedom from the Spiritual attacks that have caged me for years, and that i am to sum-up my days of fasting and prayers with this TRIDUM dry fasting prayers.
I was skiny, to the extent that these my sisters started having secret meeting for me, they even turned against me, despite my explanations to them pertaining to this last dry-fasting/prayer to conclude the fasting and prayers i started many years back.
I insisted and started this my three days dry-fasting and prayers to conclude all my pass years fasting and prayers, i used this three days fasting and prayers in 2020 TRIDUM as a grand-finale of all my previous years fasting/prayers, especially the dry-fasting which i started on February this year 2020.
I did my first ever dry-fasting and prayers earlier this year on Febuary 2020 to end the 21 days prayer match by Fr Emmanuel Obimma Ebubemuonso of Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry Nigeria, and i camped at HGAM ground within these my first three days dry-fasting/prayers; and i also met some young youths as my new friends then.
I also camped in the same Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry(HGAM) last year 2019 for three days to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in my then devastating/depressed conditions during 2019 Pentecost week.
I later concluded with my friends on 2019 Pentecost Sunday at the HGAM, Holy Spirit also manifested its power in a special and mightier way with new a anointing bestowed on us that day.
I also met with one of our brothers from Adazi Enu that was part of this camping with one young guy also from Akwaeze and i enjoyed our staying together with prayers at HGAM Prayer camp.
That was the first time i did 6-6 fasting/prayers for three days, these my brothers/friends will always want us to go-out in the morning to eat and share ideas; but i used to stay back and find a conducive quiet place for my persistent prayers because i was in deep pains; due to my spiritual sickness and what give me concern always is a solution to this my problem and not food or enjoyment.
We prayed together fervently within these three days at HGAM Uke and God actually heard our prayers.
Recalling all these my past years of dedicated/committed fasting and prayers, i decided to close these long time fasting and prayer programmes, especially now that i have witnessed this divine miraculous deliverance and healing that brought my glorious liberty and freedom from the hands of forces and darkness on 23 of Match 2020, when i was still in my unprepared 21 days fasting and prayers.
A 21 days fasting and prayers i started with the "Desert experience/Set-Aside with God" with the "Will of God Prayer group" Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria(CCRN) St Michael Parish Fegge Onitsha, which started on 6th March 2020 and later came to an end on thursday 26th Match, which coincided with the announcement by our capacity youth-friendly Governor Chief Willie Obiano of a lock-down in Anambra State on 26th of Match 2020.
This significant number day 26th Match 2020(26/3/2020) coincided with the words of God in Isaiah 26; vs 20(This 'vs 20' signifies the 20 attached to this year 2020; and this word of God in Isaiah 26; 20 tells us this-- "Go into your houses, my people and shut the door behind you, hide yourselves for a little while until God's anger is over".
Likewise when this significant number 26 in this 26th Match is added to 3(signifying the third month of the year, which match on which this Spiritual incident took place), that is 26+3=29; then in Isaiah 29(26+3); vs 20, the word of God tells us that- "It will be the end of those who oppress others and show contempt for God. And that every sinner will be destroyed".
Finally that announced lockdown on 26th March in Anambra state took effect on the market on Monday 30th Match 2020, in the same manner coinciding with the word of God in Isaiah 30; 20(The Lord will make you go through hard times, but he himself will be there to teach you, and you will not have to search for him any more).
In closing this my fasting and prayers i started many years back with this three days dry-fasting and prayers, i have this prayer-point in my mind --
"To get extra Divine-power from God" for mega-exploit through this final three days dry fasting and prayers to mark this special year "2020 TRIDUM".
I decided to use FACEBOOK LIVE STREAMING instead of using my normal You-tube in broadcasting these my three days(Tridum) dry fasting and prayers, so that people can easily follow me and watch these prayer on-line.
Those following my Facebook posts and daily updates then, from the time cases of coronavirus was announced in the World, will attest to all the above.
A lot of people have been following my prayer updates, until Facebook Team disabled my Facebook account on 21st April 2020.
Facebook disabled an account which i have been maintaining with a huge amount of money for ten(10) years now, without any just cause or explanations to me, even after i have written to them;
Facebook Team disabled my Facebook account, and there was rumors that they were paid a ransome by some people to stop me from having a Facebook LIVE prayers; a LIVE coverage which may stand as a proof to my claims of miracles of the cure of coronavirus through my fasting and prayers.
Because i used the FACEBOOK LIVE COVERAGE for this my special 2020 Tridum fasting and prayers, especially my concluding prayers on that 2020 Holy Saturday evening prayers, where God answered my prayer points by giving me extra-divine power and also granted my prayers for healing unto the Adazi Enu covid-19 victim, as a proof to people that what happened to Adazi Enu covi-19 victim was God's miracle.
Even some of our Christian brethren doesn't believe in that word "Miracle" by their reactions on the above.
Some of these people started fighting me and connived with some of my sisters, saying that i am no longer normal.
Some other people including the victim were of the view that, even if there was God intervention/miracle in his coronavirus case, all glory should be given to God.
I was dully informed of the peoples reactions because one of my Priest friend and my mentor asked me questions on that incident.
But God answered my prayers and try to change and clear some people wrong views/speculations with the word of God in 1 Corinthians 1;27-31 and it reads- "God purposely chose what the World considers nonsense in order to shame the wise, He God choses what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful, He chose what the world look down on and despises and thinks is nothing, in order to destroy what the World thinks it is important. vs 29- this means that one can boast in God's presence. vs 31- So then, as the Scripture says, "Whoever wants to boast must boast of what the Lord has done"
And this is what i have been doing(boosting in the Lord) since my 2020 Easter/Birthday celebration, even now i am still celebrating and boosting in the Lord God of Host.
Just the previous Sunday 7th June 2020(7/6/2020), after weeks of my birthday celebration i still gave out half a million to my God's son and one brilliant little girl i met in my street in Fegge and i will still give more before this years runs-out in appreciation to my God for the favour and miracle shown unto me.
This is my stand and personal experience on the issue of Covid-19 ravaging the whole World today.
I then suggest and recommend fasting and prayers as the only cure to covi-19 according to the word of God in 2 Chronicle 20;9;-It reads -"If any disaster struck them, like war, epidemic or famine- then they could come and stand in front of this temple where God is worshipped. They could pray to God in their trouble, and God will hear them and rescue them".
And the above word of God in 2 Chronicle 20;9 was the reason why i have come to share the word of God and also pray for you.
The above is the words and promises of God to us, in respect to covi-19 pandemic ravaging the whole world and we should also know that the WORD OF GOD is the POWER OF GOD in action.
And as such, God works miracle with and through his words for those that keep his words and strongly believe in this God's words, and more especially in keeping this words of God by avoiding sins of immorality and therefore by choosing to live a life of chastity and holiness.
I started all these my Spiritual move, after i have written my first and second books.
I was divinely-inspired and started writing these books, i started writing these books some years back when i finished writing my Secondary School Education WAEC exams as a young youth, before entering the University.
I started writing my first book during the time i was indoor and in difficulty because i had an accidents which was on 26 December 2007, which kept me indoor for years.
And now these revelations written in these books are now manifesting into the life of the children of God, that have strong faith and strong belief/trust in God; and trust in the magnanimity of God's power.
My testimony to you Child of God is that after all these my years(nearly forty(40) years) of suffering while trying to serve the true God.), that God finally answer my prayers and change my condition/story from bad/worst to best.
This is a journey, i starting from my block-Rosary days in Akwankwo village(Queen of Peace Block Rosary) holding at Mrs Osonwa(Mr Okpalanozie) family where i danced the cultural dance amusement then, named ejem mmiri for them.
Also i did same as a mass-servant, i rendered my services to God as a Mass servant in dedicated manner with Fr FC Nwosu, when Mr Chiemeka Okeke, later Mr Osy Izuegbu was our head in Mass servant of St Dominic Parish Adazi Enu in mid 1980's.
I also danced thoroughly with amazement, the Mass servant cultural dance named "Etiri Ogwu" very well. Our senior dancers then used to carry me on their head like ball, when i have already rolled myself like a football.
As i was serving God in this St Dominic Parish altar night with strong commitment and dedication, there was recommendations by HRH Igwe MEK Iloghau my uncle to Rev Father FC Nwosu for me, to enter the Seminary; with his assertion that i behave more like a Priest.
This his Royal recommendation to me was as a result of my dedicated services to God especially in the Sanctuary/altar, when he said that i behave like a priest "that i don't do as if i know him who is also sitting in the altar with us.
I then bought the Seminary entrance examination form, filled it and took the entrance examination and later went for interviews with these my friends/brothers ;-"Mr Francis Nnaemeka Ezenwa(my tight friend then), Mr Innocent Chukwudi Iwuchukwu, Rev Fr Emmanuel Chijioke Igweokpala(the only priest that succeeded in our town's Savio 92/98 set)", and i later and scaled through in the exams and interviews, then qualified and ready to enter the Seminary.
Fr Justin Ezechukwu was my five and six then, as my junior in the Seminary then.
That was my lovely experiences, which i always want to share with people/ bc that was when the world has not be soo much corrupt like today, a lot of youths were then in the village.
I was among the village boys then, very few youths were living in the city which we used to call township boys bc their parents have money and were doing businesses in Onitsha, in Lagos etc.
I was the only village boy this my class-dd2 among(bc i was born and brought-up in the village and i soo much like my village) the four Adazi Enu Savio 92/98 set that entered the Seminary then, the other three came back from Onitsha and from Lagos bc there parents were living in the city.
The sad experience i had was the "sudeath of my Uncle Obi Okotu 1 Adazi Enu" after his Royal recommendations and promise to sponsor me in the Seminar.
This sad incidence happened when i had totally made up my mind to become a Priest of God because i was having all my hope that he will sponsor me in this Seminary since he have recommended me for that, but he died some months after this his royal recommendation before my preparation to entered the Seminary.
But that notwithstanding, since i have made up my mind to become a Priest, i still struggle around seeking financial assistant from people just to enter the Seminary, because my mother was a widow who is hustling to meet up with our feedings without much assistant from the supposed relatives.
I ran around, got a little assistant and told my mother that i will be managing the little i realized, that my happiness is to go to the Seminary and become a Priest.
I encountered a lot of problems while going around seeking financial assistant from our people; but the most excruciating problem was this particular these question from our people, "You are from a royal rich family why coming to me for assistant when you have many rich Uncle", i will always tell them i have told them and they promised to sponsor my education but up till i am still waiting but no financial assistant has come.
I was even later recommended by one of my Uncle to go and learn Vulknizer(Motor or Machine tire repairer) instead of going to School bc my Father is late.
With annoyance about his bad-will for me, i stood on that ground and made a strong decision to work hard and suffer to make money, and then continue my educations because i soo much love education and want to further my studies, but there were no sponsors to assist me.
Usually, whenever i come back for holidays from the Seminary i will be digging sand from the gutter to sale when it reach one tipper load, i also goes about with my palm tree climbing rope(ete) goes from Akwankwo village through Ogweni Ojii village, i will enter Akwaeze cutting palm front and palm nut for our people and be making my money, i made a lot of money from that business.
I bought my bicycle from this budiness, i was the first among my met to own a bicycle and the first to be riding on motorcycle bc i was a hustler.
I continued like that and finished my secondary School.
When i have passed my WEAC exams, i was preparing and hoping to enter the higher Institutions bc one of my Uncle that was living outside the Country came back then, and after seeing my SSCE nice result he promised to sponsor in the University.
But as i narrating this ordeal to you, i am still waiting for his sponsor now, until God now mee mu EZEKE(DON--EZE EGO)
Before this year 2020 Easter, i was cajoled/ridiculed by most of my friends, by my brothers, by some of my CYON members whom i was their Chairman some year back, i was reduced to nothing in my town Adazi Enu and almost rejected to die in the village by my friends, by my Catholic church members when i was one of their leaders, by my APGA/other party Executives whom i taught i was working with, but i continued in my prayers in this hopeless ugly situation.
I continue begging for help from my Uncle, Cousins, relatives, even from my friends living outside the country but no help came; and i was totally confused about my type of life-problems and suffering from childhood; i nearly lost all hope and depressed.
What always come to my mind is that my life is finished, so i can no longer be public figure which has been the secret behind my hustling, when start coming into my mind was to go and commit suicide instead of ending my life in unpopular and wretched manner like this in the village.
It was very hard for me to get assistant from people bc of the position the people taught i have occupied in the society through the various services i have rendered to the church, to my town and to the society in general through this youth group i founded, soo many people were saying that i knew and worked for all these politicians and that i should go to them and seek for help, their assertion was truth and put calls across to most of these politicians i worked-with people like Late hon Paddy Patrick Aniunoh, Hon Charles Azubuike Okoye etc but they neglected my request.
It was at this condition of no hope, that my set in the Seminary decided to assist me and gave me the sum of #200000(Two hundred thousand naira) and were advising to invest it in the village, that it will be more profitable to invest it in the village since i will be operating from my father's house, so there will be no need paying for house rent again.
But to myself, i see the village as a very dry area for a vibrant youth to thrive and make mega wealth, i said no to their suggestions and start preparing myself to go back Onitsha.
What i did is that i approach our parish Rev Fr Simon Okafor, after going to confession with him, i told that i want go back to city but i will like pray over this money for me so that i will start up my business again with it, he took me inside the chapel and presented the money to Jesus in the blessed sacrament and prayed for me.
After his prayers i went back to Onitsha on Match 2018 and pay for my house rent first bc i didn't find any place to attack myself and i used little remaining money to buy some goods and hustle.
It was like within six months; after several calls, disturbing messages to Sen Dr Sir Victor Umeh that he started looking into my case, that was the time he recommended me for an appointment contrary to the evil-wish from some stakeholders in my town Adazi Enu who told Sen Umeh that i was not the right person to be appointed, but Sen Victor Umeh told them that he is recommending me because of my commitment in their political campaign through this my youth group Ego Kristi Youth Movement International, that's how i was given an appointment as an Executive Assistant to Governor Chief Willie Obiano.
Child of God, i claim this my type of miracle for you in Jesus name bc we are serving a ever-Faithful God.
In that your hopeless conditions and situations, do not loose or give up in God, bc when you are down to nothing, God is up with something.
Just persevere with fasting and prayers in that your ugly situations and turn fully to God, and serve God with your whole heart, with your whole mind and with your whole being in sincerity; you will see God being involved in your case and situations soon and render permanent solution to that your problems.
May the Lord almighty bless you and meet you at the point of your needs and as you make this u-turn and start living a dedicated and committed life in God, which will make you live in divine and heavenly standard and receive all God's promises and blessings in Jesus name,
Evangelist Ositadimma Luke Iloghalu(Founder, Ego Kristi Youth Movement International"EKYMI" aka Young International/African Leaders Assembly"YILA/YALA" and Executive Assistant to Governor Willie Obiano on Community Liaison)
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