Thursday, 29 September 2016


A sad incident rocks the family of Nduka of 27 Ofilli street Fegge Onitsha.
The news of this ugly incident came to the family of Nduka at around 10 am yesterday Wednesday 28/09/16 that their daughter by name Miss Chidiogo Nduka is dead. Late Miss Chidiogo was an SS 2 student of Urban girls Secondary School Fegge Onitsha.
This sad incident was narrated to have started last week, by the complaint made by late miss Chidiogo. The complaint by miss Chidiogo was that she started having serious hot pains in his knee joint, going up to her waist, after she was punished by one of her teacher, by forcing her to kneel down under the sun for some minutes. This young girl continue complaining about this hot body pains, but nobody could ascertain what the problem was.
   This young girl bad feelings and complaints came to its climax early yesterday morning. Late Miss Chidiogo Nduka woke their parents up,  early in the morning yesterday with a very serious complaint on the worsening conditions of the pains over her body.
This young girl was then rushed to the hospital by his parents, on getting to the hospital; it was found out that late Chidiogo has short of blood. Her parents then rushed out to go and buy blood, but on their coming back to the hospital with the blood; they were given the bad news that their daughter Chidiogo have given up the ghost, what a sad incident.
    As was Reported by a member of the Ego Kristi Media from Fegge Onitsha.

1 comment:

  1. Wonders, may God have d youths from early death plague
