Sunday 5 February 2017

Ego Kristi Youth Movement Presents her "2017 Leadership PAR-EXCELLENT MERIT AWARD" to two of her selected Awardee-Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife, Okwadike and Chief Dr Sir Victor Umeh OFR, Ohamadike.

Ego Kristi Youth Movement International on 29th December and 30th December 2017 presented her "2017 LEADERSHIP PAR-EXCELLENT MERIT AWARDS" to two of their selected awardee, to appreciate their positive contributions to the society through their enviable Leadership styles.
The first of the merited Awardee Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife, Okwadike served our society during the first republic with commitment and was also the first elected Governor of Anambra State. Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife during his time as the governor serve Anambra State with love and concern without being selfish by acquiring soo many properties for himself; but he always care for the masses first.
Chief Chukwuemeka Ezeife is a lover of the youths, who encourages the youths to involve themselves in governance in an active and meaningful way.

The Second awardee by name Chief Dr Sir Victor Umeh OFR Ohamadike, was the former national Chairman of APGA, BOT of APGA and current candidate for Senate Anambra Central.
Chief Sir Victor served Ndigbo judiciously with his position as the National Chairman APGA, he tried his possible best for Ndigbo so that they may have one party called their own. He fought like a man to shun all distractions and stop all enemies of Ndigbo from destabilizing this Igbo origin party APGA.
Secondly Chief Sir Victor Umeh, Dike eji eje mba na Adazi Enu is a lover of the poor masses and the youths; he supports and sponsors soo many less-privileged through his foundations. Sir Victor Umeh is also a papal night, who encourages and give financial support to soo many youth bodies; which attracted uncountable awards and traditional titles to him.
In fact Chief Dr Sir Victor Umeh, Ibubo Agulueri have contributed immensely to human empowerment and  grassroot development.
This high level of humanitarian and philanthropic gesture by Victor Umeh must be appreciated with a higher political position so as to serve his people better, whether his enemies want it or not; it is a divine call for him according to word of God in Isaiah 42;1(The Lord says-"Here is my servant whom i strengthen, the one i have chosen, whom i am pleased; i have filled him with my spirit and he will bring justice to all nation).

Ositadimma Luke Iloghalu(Founder of Ego Kristi Youth Movement)

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