Sunday, 25 June 2023

Assri Dokubo should come back to his reality and right senses, or he will remain and die a cheap bought-over hungry-selfish man.

The Internet never forgets.
 This was ASARI DOKUBO campaigning for the "STATE OF BIAFRA". 
Today he is singing a new song against the same Biafra???                                   Who is the real TRAITOR?           

Please circulate this video until it gets to Asari Dokubo so that he can explain to us what has come over him or tell us how many million dollars which they have bribed him with like some of our earlier agitators/supporters of Biafra; that made him start going/speaking contrary to his earlier stand as TRUE BIAFRAN ROYALISTS he used to be???   
Asari Dokubo should know that everything come and go!!     
Asari Dokudo should know that such millions of dollars they promised/gave to him is like air/breeze which can disappear overnight while he has sold his conscience against his people's freedom from nepotism, injustice, inequality, non proper sharing/decentralization of power/National political offices in accordance to Federal Character syndrome in their own Country!!!!!    REPENT NOW OR YOU DIE WITH YOUR EVIL SELF-CENTERED HEART ASARI DOKUBO!!!!

A True African Representative, A Gambian woman have shown to us that a New Nigerian is possible if we can have a truly sincere Christian as our President and Representatives, the likes of Peter Obi who shun selfishness in all ramifications with AGAPE LOVE FOR HIS CONSTITUENTS.

(1)When will Nigerian as a Nation have a true Representative of his people with such sincerity of purpose, LOVE FOR HIS CONSTITUENTS like this Gambian Woman!!!!                     
(2)When will Nigeria have 'a true Patriot Representative' of this Nation Nigeria who can boldly tell us what the monthly Salary, allowances of our Representatives amount to??!!!!?                                            
(3)When will Nigerians have a real Christian/Muslim in the spirit who will kick against this bogust/large amount of money being dole-out to our Representative as their Monthly Salary, Allowances to the detriment of the poor masses who get poorer everyday and our Representative getting richer everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                    
(4)When will Nigeria have a TRUE REPRESENTATIVE of HIS PEOPLE, and not those killing to ascend such position just to enrich themselves, enrich their families and friends to the detriment of the poor masses to the detriment of the youths that are meant to be trained and be empowered!!!!